Troubleshooting Cisco Contact Center Enterprise (CCET)

This Troubleshooting Cisco Contact Center Enterprise course is focused on Day 2 support of a PCCE deployment by Tier 3 support personnel. The course identifies processes and tools used to identify and diagnose common deployment issues so that support personnel can then select optimal methods to resolve those issues.

Retail Price: $1,795.00

Next Date: 04/10/2025

Course Days: 2

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Course Objectives:

To provide Tier 3 support personnel with the tools and processes required to expediently identify and resolve common issues during ongoing Day 2 operations of a successfully deployed PCCE 12.5 solution.

Target Audience:

  • Deployment Engineer
  • Sales Engineer
  • Deployment Project Manager
  • Account Manager


The knowledge and skills that students are expected to have before attending this course are:

  • Strong knowledge of computer networking components – Windows A/D, SQL Server, and components (servers, routers, switch)
  • Strong understanding of IP networks
  • Advanced experience administering of Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise
  • Experience deploying Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise
  • Experience administering and troubleshooting Unified Communications Manager and Voice Gateways

Here are recommended Cisco learning offerings that may help students meet these prerequisites: See detailed names in Curriculum and Target Audiences

  • Cisco CCNA
  • Cisco CLFNDU
  • Cisco CLCOR
  • Cisco CCEF
  • Cisco CCEA
  • Cisco CCEAA
  • Cisco CCEI

Course Outline:

Section 1

CCE Flows and Process Review       

  • Describe CCE flows and processes required to support and troubleshoot the PCCE deployment.

Troubleshooting and Support Methodology

  • Review concepts for a Troubleshooting Methodology and how to apply these methods in a sample scenario.

PCCE Component Review

  • Review the components involved in PCCE Deployment and the function of each.     

PCCE Call Flow Review      

  • Review the Call Flow process to discuss the messages and protocols required to support a PCCE Deployment.     

PCCE Processes   

  • Describe the processes required by various CCE Services and how they support the application.

Discovery 01-1    

  • Configure Access to Discovery Environment
  • Setup the Discovery environment.

Discovery 01-2    

  • Explore CCE Components 
  • Explore the Inventory of a PCCE Deployment, confirm the AW Sync Status of the deployment, and access the Diagnostic Framework Portico.


Section 2           

CCE Diagnostic tools         

  • Introduce the many diagnostic tools available to the engineer responsible for troubleshooting a PCCE environment.

Diagnostic Framework Suite           

  • Introduce the basics of the Diagnostic Framework Suite and its role in CCE troubleshooting.

Run Analysis Manager      

  • Use the Analysis Manager tool to run a selection of CCE logs.

Run Unified System CLI     

  • Use the System CLI to run a selection of CCE logs.

Run Diagnostic Framework Portico

  • Use the Diagnostic Framework Portico to run a selection of CCE logs.

Run Single Pane of Glass (SPOG)     

  • Use the SPOG interface to run a selection of CCE logs.

ICM Command Line Tools

  • Examine ICM Command Line tools and their use in troubleshooting in a CCE environment.

Discovery 2-1      

  • Explore Diagnostic Framework Suite            
  • Explore diagnostic tools used to access data logs across the platform.

Discovery 2-2      

  • Analyze PG Logs  
  • Examine the tools that are used to analyze peripheral gateway / agent transactions.


Section 3           

Troubleshooting CCE        

  • Apply troubleshooting tools and techniques to address issues with CCE Certificates, Cisco Finesse, and PCCE Deployment.

Troubleshoot Certificates

  • Examine concepts regarding security certificates and discuss the tools and utilities used to ensure their efficacy.

Troubleshoot Cisco Finesse            

  • Define the protocols, tools, and procedures used to troubleshoot the Cisco Finesse client/server environment.

Troubleshoot a PCCE Deployment  

  • Examine troubleshooting scenarios and solutions witnessed in building the PCCE lab-only deployment model used for this course.

Discovery 3-1      

  • Navigate Certificate Store
  • Navigate the various certificate stores found in the PCCE environment, across multiple server types and Operating Systems.

Discovery 3-2      

  • View Cisco Finesse Logs    
  • Enable Cisco Finesse client/server logging and view the contents of the logged information.
Course Dates Course Times (EST) Delivery Mode GTR
4/10/2025 - 4/11/2025 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Virtual Enroll