Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Security (UCSEC) v1.0

The Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Security (UCSEC) course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement security features in a Cisco Unified Communications environment. Cisco Unified Communications support several features and mechanisms to secure voice signaling and communications and to mitigate attacks against Cisco Unified Communications networks. The Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Security (UCSEC) course introduces security mechanisms and describes different implementation scenarios that increase the security level of Cisco Unified Communications networks

Retail Price: $3,500.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 5

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Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

  • Identify vulnerabilities in Cisco Unified Communications networks and describe security strategies, cryptographic services, PKI, and VPN technologies
  • Implement network infrastructure security features
  • Implement Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications endpoint security features
  • Implement network infrastructure security features



This course is designed for:

  • Network administrators and network engineers
  • System Engineers



The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this course are as follows:

  • Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks
  • Working knowledge of Cisco IOS gateways, Cisco Unified SRST gateways, and Cisco Unified Border Element
  • Working knowledge of Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
  • CCNP Voice certification is recommended

To gain the prerequisite skills and knowledge, Cisco strongly recommends the knowledge of the following courses:

  • Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS (CVOICE)
  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1 (CIPT1)
  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part2 (CIPT2)
  • Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications (TVOICE)

Course Outline

Vulnerabilities of Cisco Unified Communications Networks and Security Fundamentals

  • Assessing Vulnerabilities of Cisco Unified Communications Networks
  • Describing Security Implementation Strategies
  • Describing Cryptographic Services and Functions
  • Describing Key Management and PKI
  • Describing IPsec and Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN

Network Infrastructure Security

  • Implementing Network Separation and Packet Filtering
  • Implementing Switch Security Features
  • Implementing Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPNs in Cisco Unified Communications Networks

Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Endpoint Security Features

  • Hardening Cisco Unified Communications Endpoints
  • Implementing Toll-Fraud Prevention
  • Implementing Native Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Features
  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Features Based on Security Tokens

Secure Cisco Unified Communications Integration and Features

  • Implementing SRTP to Gateways and Signaling Protection by Ipsec
  • Implementing Secure Signaling and SRTP in SRST and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
  • Implementing Trusted Relay Points
  • Implementing Proxies for Secure Signaling and SRTP

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