Module 1 Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Overview
Lesson 1: Presenting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
- Cisco Unified CCE Solutions
- New/Deprecated Features and Enhancements
- Cisco Unified CCE Reference Designs
- Cisco Unified CCE Reference Design Specifications
- Cisco Unified CCE Core Components
- Optional Cisco Components
- Optional Third-Party Components
- Cisco Unified CCE Solution Integrated Features
- Solution Administration
- Compatibility
Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CCE Core Components
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
- Cisco Unified CM Cluster Nodes
- Cisco Unified CM Database Architecture
- Intracluster Communications
- Call Processing Subscriber Redundancy
- CTI Manager Service
- Partitions and Calling Search Spaces
- Basic Call Handling
- Agent Phones
Cisco Unified CCE/ICM
- Definitions
- Traditional ICM
- Traditional ICM Deployment Models
- ICM Components
- ICM Databases
- ICM Terms
- Cisco Unified CVP
- Cisco Unified CVP Product Components
- Additional Component
- Cisco Unified CVP Functional Deployment Models
Lesson 3: Cisco Unified CCE Options
- Optional Cisco Unified CCE Components
- Cisco Unified CCE Third-Party Components
- Cisco Unified CCE Integrated Features
- Solution Administration
Lesson 4: Basic Call Flow Models
- Call Flow Types
- Traditional ICM Pre-route
- Traditional ICM Post-route
- Cisco Unified CCE Call Flow
- Traditional ICM Translation Routing
- Translation Route to VRU
?Module 2: Cisco Unified CCE Protocols, Processes and Services
Lesson 1: Cisco Unified CM
- Cisco Unified CM Architecture
- Cisco Unified CM Fault Tolerance
Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CCE/Intelligent Contact Manager
- ICM Architecture
- ICM Processes and Services
- ICM Fault Tolerance
Lesson 3: Cisco Unified CVP
- CVP Architecture
- CVP Fault Tolerance
Module 3: Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Lesson 1: Installation Prerequisites
- Network
- Platform
- Software
- Browser
- Username and Password
- Licensing
- Required Installation Information
?Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CM Installation
- Installation Types
- Pre-installation Tasks
- Install CUCM
Lesson 3: Post-installation Configurations
- Licensing
- Service Activation
Lesson 4: Creating Basic Infrastructure
- Regions
- Device Pools
- Partitions
- Calling Search Spaces
- Trunks
- Route Groups
- Route Lists
- Route Patterns
- IP Phones
- Application User Accounts
Lesson 5: Upgrading Cisco Unified CM
- Understanding Upgrades and Migrations
- Requirements and Limitations
- Supported Upgrade Paths
- Upgrade Sequence and Timing
- Pre-Upgrade Tasks
- Upgrade Procedures
Module 4: Installing Intelligent Contact Manager
Lesson 1: Installation Requirements
- Platform
- Network
- Software
- VM
- Compatibility
Lesson 2: Pre-installation Tasks
- Set Up Active Directory and DNS
- Set Up Virtual Machines
- Set Up Third Party Software
Lesson 3: Install the Main Installer
- Install the ICM Software Installer
- Set Up Organizational Units
- Add Users to Security Groups
Lesson 4: Install the Central Controller
- Add ICM Instance
- Create the Logger Database
- Set Up the ICM Router
- Set Up the ICM Logger
?Lesson 5: Install the Administration and Data Server
- Create the HDS Database
- Set Up the Administration and Data Server
- Start Central Controller
- Set the Deployment Type and Congestion Control
Lesson 6: Install the Peripheral Gateway
- Configure the PG for CUCM
- Configure the PG for Cisco Unified CVP
- Set Up the PG for CUCM
- Set Up the PG for Cisco Unified CVP
- Install the JTAPI Client for Cisco Unified CM PG
Lesson 7: Install CTI Services
Lesson 8: Cisco Finesse
- Finesse Agent Desktop
- Finesse IP Phone Agent
- Installation Requirements
- Install Finesse
- Finesse Configurations
- Upgrading Finesse
?Lesson 9: Upgrading ICM
- Multistage Upgrades
- Pre-Upgrade Overview
- Upgrade Overview
Module 5: Installing Cisco Unified CVP
Lesson 1: Installation Prerequisites
- CVP Server
- Ops Console
- Reporting Server
- Call Studio
Lesson 2: Install the CVP Server
- Ops Console
- CVP Server
- Reporting Server
- Remote Operations
- License CVP Components
Lesson 3: Configure Cisco Unified CVP Components
- Call Server
- VXML Server
- Media Server
- Reporting Server
- Gateways
- Cisco Unified CM
Lesson 4: Upgrading Cisco Unified CVP Upgrade Path
- Upgrade Strategies
- Upgrade VM
- Upgrade Windows
- Upgrade CVP
Module 6: Installing and Configuring Cisco Unified CCE Options
Lesson 1: Cisco Outbound Option
- Enable Outbound Option
- Add Outbound Database
- Configure the Media Routing PG and Dialer Peripheral
- Configure the Dialer
- Set Up the Media Routing PG and Dialer
- Outbound Option Configurations
Lesson 2: Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
- Installation Prerequisites
- Install CUIC
- Import Stock Reports
- CUIC Configurations
- Upgrading CUIC
Module 7: Supporting Cisco Unified CCE
Lesson 1: Maintenance Activities
- Back-up and Restore
- Database Purge
Lesson 2: UCCE Troubleshooting Tools
- Diagnostic Framework
- System CLI
- ICM Command Line Tools
- Syslog and SNMP
Lab Outline
- Lab 3-1: Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager
- Lab 4-1: Install the ICM Main Installer
- Lab 4-2: Install the ICM Central Controller and Administration & Data Server
- Lab 4-3: Configure and Install a Generic PG and CTI Server for Cisco Unified CVP and Cisco Unified CM
- Lab 4-4: Integrate and Test Cisco Finesse
- Lab 5-1: Install, Configure and License Cisco Unified CVP
- Lab 5-2: Configure Voice Browsers for Cisco Unified CVP
- Lab 5-3: Cisco Unified CVP Proof of Concept
- Lab 6-1: Configure an Agent-based Outbound Campaign
- Lab 6-2: Configure a Transfer to IVR-based Outbound Campaign
- Lab 6-3 License and Configure Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
- Lab 7-1: Using Troubleshooting Tools