Webex Macros, APIs and Programmability for Webex Devices, Control Hub and Meetings (WBXMAP) v 1.0
Course Audience
- Network Administrator
- Meeting Administrators
- Collaboration Administrators
- Network Engineer
- Voice / UC / Collaboration / Communications Engineers
- Collaboration Sales / Systems Engineers
Knowledge of WebEx Devices, Macros, and APIs
Course Outline
Module 0: Introduction
- Introduction
- Topic List
- Learner Skills and Knowledge
- Couse Goals
- WebEx Basics
- General Administration
- Introductions
- Lesson 2: SIP Trunking
- SIP Trunking Overcomes TDM Barriers
- Why does an enterprise need an SBC?
- Primary CUBE Differentiators (1)
- Module Summary
Module 1: Webex API Overview
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Webex API Overview
- Webex Environment
- Every User Can Be a Developer
- Why Network Programmability
- What is an API?
- Programmability Use Cases
- Programmability Benefits
- Secure REST APIs & SDKs for Multiple Workloads
- What can we Integrate with Webex APIs?
- Incident Management Communications Example
- Webex API for Administrators
- Lesson 2: Webex API Documentation
- Webex Developer Site
- Webex Developer Site – Build Documentation
- Webex Developer Site – Embedded Apps Documentation
- Webex Developer Site – API Documentation
- Webex Developer Site – SDK Documentation
- Cisco DEVNET (1)
- Room OS Customization Documentation
- Git Hub Sites
- Webex App Hub
- DevNet Code Exchange
- Room OS API Reference Guides
- Lesson 3: API Technologies Overview
- What is Python?
- cURL
- Webhooks
- WebSockets
- XML- eXtensible Markup Language
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- YAML - “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”
- Docker Containers
- Docker Containers Versus Virtual Machines
- Postman: Powerful but Simple REST API Client
- Postman Collections for Webex
- Ansible
- Node JS
- Node JS - NPM (Node Package Manage)
- Lesson 4: Webex API Types
- Bots
- Integrations
- Integrations with Webex Classrooms
- Buttons and Cards
- CE Programmability (xAPI)
- Web Engine - Power of Web Applications
- Widgets
- Widgets Code Generation
- Lesson 5: Webex Software Developer Kits (SDK)
- SDKs
- Cisco Webex SDKs and Widgets
- Cisco Webex JavaScript SDK
- Cisco Webex SDKs for iOS and Android
- Browser SDK
- Node.js SDK
- Lesson 6: API Use Cases
- Call Control APIs
- Room API Calls
- People API Calls
- Device API Calls
- Postman Collections for Webex
- Lesson 7: Setting up a Programming Environment
- Operating Systems Development Choices
- Operating System Choices
- Setting up your Desktop for Programmability
- Windows 10 /11 Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Shells
- Text Editors
- Visual Studio Code Editor
- Sublimetext Python Editor
- Node.js
- Docker Containers
- Postman
- SDKs
- Source Control Systems
- Git Source Control
- Ansible
- Module Summary
Module 2: Webex Room Systems, Device, and Clients (Review)
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Webex Portfolio and Features
- Project Workplace
- Webex Portfolio
- Webex Devices are Easy to Deploy
- Webex Room / Board Environmental Sensors (1)
- Authentic Interaction That Rivals Face-to-Face
- Lesson 2: Webex Room Navigator
- Room Navigator Overview
- Room Navigator features
- Webex Room Navigator versions
- Comparison with Touch10
- Lesson 3: Webex Devices
- Webex Desk Portfolio
- Webex Desk Pro
- Webex Room Kit Mini
- Room Video – Small/Medium
- Room Features – Camera’s & Codecs
- Cisco Room Kit Plus
- Room Kit Plus – Quad Camera
- Cisco Webex Room Kit Pro
- Webex Room Kit
- Cisco Room Kit
- Cisco Room Kit - Technical Specifications
- Cisco Room 55:
- Room 55 Dual
- Room 70 G2
- Room 70 G2 Dual
- Webex Room Panorama
- Lesson 4: Webex Board Pro
- All-in-one Device for Visual and Video-first Collaboration
- Companion Mode - A Webex Room System and a Webex Board in the same physical space
- Touch Redirect:
- Feature comparison
- Lesson 5: SX / DX Devices
- SX10
- SX10 Features
- SX80 Overview
- SX80 Flexibility
- Lesson 6: Webex Room OS 11
- Room OS 11: Easy Call Control Access
- Room OS 11: Simplify Task Switching
- Optimize for my Voice Supported in Room OS 11
- Lesson 7: Webex Device States
- Smarter Meeting rooms
- Standby
- Half-wake greeting
- Half-wake guidance
- Awake
- Contextual Guidance
- Lesson 8: Webex Calling Devices
- Typical Phone Range
- Webex Wireless Phones
- Key Conference Phones
- Cisco Accessories
- Lesson 9: Webex App
- Webex - Single App Experience
- Webex App
- Lesson 10: Webex Mobile Clients
- Mobile Meeting Experience
- Module Summary
Module 3: Webex Control Hub
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Control Hub Overview
- Control Hub, Administration & Management
- Webex Control Hub
- Enterprise Policy Management
- Webex Management
- Cisco WebEx Teams Control Hub Administration
- Cisco WebEx Teams Control Hub - Settings
- WebEx Control Hub - Overview
- Lesson 2: Organization Settings
- WebEx Control Hub - Organization Settings
- Organization Settings - Security
- Organization Settings - Idle Timeouts
- Organization Settings - External Communication
- Organization Settings - Face Recognition
- Organization Settings - Privacy
- Organization Settings - Domains (1)
- Organization Settings - Self-Registration
- Organization Settings - SIP Address for Cisco Webex Calling
- Organization Settings - Calling Behavior
- Organization Settings - UC Manager Profiles
- Organization Settings - Directory Synchronization
- Organization Settings - People Insights
- Organization Settings - Authentication (1)
- Organization Settings - Email
- Organization Settings - Branding
- Organization Settings - Customize Support Information
- Organization Settings - Retention
- Organization Settings - Scheduling in the Webex App
- Organization Settings - Apps
- Organization Settings - Simultaneous Interpretation
- Organization Settings - Virtual Background
- Organization Settings - Virtual Camera
- Organization Settings - VDI for Webex app
- Organization Settings - Default Landing Screen for Webex App
- Organization Settings - Migrate Content
- Organization Settings - Network Location
- Lesson 3: Adding Users
- Directory Options
- Manually Add User (1)
- Adding Users Not Synced from AD
- Manage Services for New User
- Finish Adding Users
- Confirmation E-Mail
- Click on Verify link from Email
- Lesson 4: Adding Devices
- Simple Provisioning (1)
- Simple Device Onboarding
- Activation and Registration of Devices
- Add a Phone Device to a User Generate a QR Code
- Add a Device using a User Generate a QR Code
- Device Settings - Add a Tag to a Device
- Device Settings
- Delete a Device
- Reboot a Device
- Register a Device Remotely (1)
- Use a API Call to Register a Device to Webex
- Use a API Call to Register a Device to CUCM Edge
- Lesson 5: Adding Workspaces
- Device Window
- Add Workspace
- Type of Device
- WebEx Teams Call Options
- New Device QR Code
- Lesson 6: Administration Panels
- Overview Pane (1)
- Webex Experience
- Analytics
- Troubleshooting
- Reports
- Apps
- Account
- Updates & Migrations
- Cloud-Connected UC
- Hybrid Services
- Lesson 7: User Portal
- Webex Profile Page
- WebEx Teams User Profile
- WebEx Teams Name Label
- WebEx Teams User Portal - My Devices
- Call Settings
- WebEx Teams User Portal - Message & Meetings
- Module Summary
Module 4: Program Fundamentals
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Language and Format Overview
- Programming Languages
- Languages
- Interpreted
- Python – Why?
- JavaScript – Why?
- Lesson 2: Data Formats
- Common Data Formats in Programming
- XML- eXtensible Markup Language
- XML Object
- XML List
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
- JSON Object
- JSON List
- YAML - “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”
- YAML Object
- YAML List
- Lesson 3: Python Fundamentals
- What is Python?
- Python 3 vs Python 2
- Python Documentation Site
- Replit: Test Bed for Testing Coding
- Python Test Bed - Replit
- Visual Studio Code Python Editor
- Sublime Text Python Editor
- Way to Run Python
- Comments in Python Scripts
- Getting User Input and Storing into Variables
- Python Variables
- Python Variable Naming Conventions
- Python Variable Data Types
- Python Variable - Number Types and Math Operators
- Casting Variables
- Variable String Quotes
- String Escape Characters
- String Concatenation
- String Format
- String Indexes / Slices
- Converting Data Types and Converting Type Casting (1)
- Booleans
- Conditional Logic - If, Elif, Else
- Conditional Statements and Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Python Logical Operators
- While Loop
- For Loop
- Loop Break / Continue
- Python Lists (1)
- Python List Methods
- Python List Methods - Sort
- Python List Methods - Remove
- Python Nested Lists
- Python Dictionary
- Retrieve Data from Python Dictionary
- Loops for Python Dictionaries
- Dictionary Methods
- Python Tuples
- Python Sets
- Python Functions
- Python Function Return
- Python Function Input (Parameters)
- Parameters vs Arguments
- Default Parameters for Functions
- Calling Functions
- Variable Scope
- Function Documentation
- Python Debugging
- Python Errors - Syntax Error
- Python Errors - Runtime Errors
- Python Errors - Name Error
- Semantic Errors
- Debugging Python Code with PDB
- Python Modules
- Importing Modules
- PyPI · The Python Package Index
- Python External Modules
- Import Module in Python
- Python Requests Package Example
- Install Requests
- Lesson 4: Java Script Fundamentals
- About JavaScript
- JavaScript - Dynamic Typed / Weakly Typed
- JavaScript - Client-Side vs Server-Side
- What’s a Scripting Language?
- JavaScript File Locations
- JavaScript Comment Blocks
- Variables
- Variables - Let
- Variables – Const
- Operators (1)
- String Data Type
- Number Data Type
- Boolean Data Type
- JavaScript Statements (1)
- Java Script Exception Handling (1)
- Object Literals
- Object Creation
- Array Literals
- Create Arrays
- Array Length
- The for…in statement
- Functions
- Regular Expressions
- Module Summary
Module 5: Webex Authentication
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Authentication Overview
- Webex API Authentication Types
- Types of Authentication Controls
- API Authentication
- Webex API Access Tokens
- Authenticating User API Access using Personal Token
- Basic Authentication
- Authentication Types - Creating Access Tokens
- Authentication Types - Guest Access Tokens (1)
- Authentication Types - Bot Access Tokens (1)
- Authentication Types - Integration Authentication
- API Authentication Comparison
- Lesson 2: OAuth Authentication
- The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
- OAuth 2.0 - General Flow
- OAuth
- What is OAuth?
- OAuth Resolves Security Issues
- OAuth Tokens
- OAuth Roles (1)
- OAuth Roles - Access Token
- OAuth Scopes and States
- OAuth Grant Types
- Module Summary
Module 6: Webex Rest APIs and JSON
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: REST API
- Web Services
- REST - Representational State Transfer
- REST API Usability
- REpresentational State Transfer (REST) API is Stateless
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- REpresentational State Transfer (REST)
- Webex REST APIs
- Normal Web Page Retrieval (1)
- Restful Requests to Webex
- Terminology of a REST API query
- API Method Terminology
- REST API - A Request
- REST Call Flow
- REST API Format
- API Request - Headers (1)
- Headers: Details and meta-data
- API Message - Parameters
- Lesson 2: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- JSON Structure
- JavaScript Object Notation
- JSON Objects
- JSON - Array
- JSON - Value
- JSON - String
- JSON - Whitespace
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- Lesson 3: HTTP (REST) Status Codes
- HTTP Response : Status Codes (1)
- Common Error Messages
- Webhooks
- Module Summary
Module 7: Webex Bots, Cards, and Integrations
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Webex Bots
- Lesson 2: Webex Buttons and Cards
- Lesson 3: Integrations
- Lesson 4: Webex Widgets
- Module Summary
Module 8: Postman
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Postman Overview
- Lesson 2: Webex Collections
- Lesson 3: Testing Webex APIs with Postman
- Module Summary
Module 9: Webex Customization, UI Extensions and, Macros for Devices
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: RoomOS Programmability Overview
- Webex Devices Programmability at a Glance
- Cisco Collaboration Devices Programmability
- API Reference Guide for Webex / Telepresence Devices (1)
- In-Room Control Architecture
- Awesome xAPI Sample Code Site
- Devnet Room Device Sample Code Site
- CE Programmability (xAPI)
- External Program Versus CE Macro Framework
- UI Extensions
- Macros
- Deployment Strategies
- Lesson 2: RoomOS Website for Device Customization
- RoomOS Programmability Website
- RoomOS Programmability – Connect to your Device
- RoomOS Programmability – Guides
- RoomOS Programmability – xAPI Sandbox / Documentation
- RoomOS Programmability – xAPI Java Sript
- RoomOS Programmability – Webex Registered Device REST Code
- RoomOS Programmability – OnPrem Registered Device CLI Code (1)
- RoomOS Programmability – Examples
- RoomOS Programmability – Set Wallpaper on Devices
- Lesson 3: RoomOS Connectivity / User Overview
- Integrations Types for RoomOS Devices
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices using SSH CLI
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices using WebSockets
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices using Webex API
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices using Macros
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices with RS-232 Serial
- Connecting to RoomOS Devices using HTTPS
- RoomOS Device User Roles
- Webex Room Integrations
- Lesson 4: Device Configuration
- On-Prem Registered Devices
- Webex Cloud Registered Device Access
- Configuration via Devices Web Interface
- Configuration Settings via Webex Control Hub
- Admin Control Hub – Configuration Templates
- Admin Control Hub – Configuration Templates – Information
- Admin Control Hub – Configuration Templates – Configuration
- Admin Control Hub – Configuration Templates – Review
- Admin Control Hub – Configuration Templates - Summary
- Admin Control Hub – Apply Templates to Devices (1)
- Configuring Device using CLI xAPI
- Lesson 5: Personalization – Branding
- Set Wallpaper using the RoomOS site
- Device Personalization
- Device Personalization – Branding (1)
- Device Personalization – Custom Brand Background
- Device Personalization – Brand Logo (halfwake)
- Device Personalization – Brand Logo (awake)
- Device Personalization – Custom Text
- Device Personalization – Custom Wallpaper
- Device Personalization – Ringtones
- Device Personalization – Contacts
- Lesson 6: UI Extensions
- Offline UI Extension Editor
- UI Extensions
- UI Extension Main Page
- Add a UI Extension
- UI Extension Widgets and Panels
- UI Extension Event model
- UI Extension Widgets
- UI Extension Widget IDs
- UI Extension Events and Commands
- UI Extension Push Buttons
- UI Extension Button events
- UI Extension Button Commands
- UI Extension Switches
- UI Extension Switch Events
- UI Extension Switch Commands
- UI Extension Sliders
- UI Extension - Slider Events
- UI Extension Slider Commands
- UI Extension Group Buttons (1)
- UI Extension - Group Button Events
- UI Extension Group Button Commands
- UI Extension Icon Buttons
- UI Extension Spinners
- UI Extension - Spinner Events
- UI Extension - Spinner Commands
- UI Extension Directional Pad
- UI Extension Directional Pad Events
- UI Extension Directional Pad Commands
- UI Extension Text
- UI Extension Text Commands
- UI Extension Spacers
- Automated Deployment of UI Extensions
- Deploying UI Extensions - xAPI over HTTP
- Deploying UI Extensions – CLI using xAPI Rest Call
- Lesson 7: Device Macros
- Room Device Macros
- CE Macro Framework
- Macro Editor
- Enable Macros using Web Interface
- Apply Macros from Control Hub
- Webex Control Hub Manage Macros (1)
- Getting Started with the Macro Editor (1)
- Device Macros (1)
- The xAPI Library Object
- Invoke a Command
- Error Handling
- Multiple Arguments
- Events
- Stopping the Feedback Listener
- Status Feedback
- Status Request
- Chaining your Promises
- Configurations
- Working with Objects
- Working with lists
- Timers
- Scheduling (1)
- Macro Runtime Process is Regularly Measured
- User Interface Elements – Alerts
- User Interface Elements – Notification
- User Interface Elements – Prompt
- User Interface Elements - Text input
- User Interface Elements - In-Room Control
- Macro Example – Remote Monitoring Alert
- Macro Example – Remote Monitoring Manifest.json File
- Macro Example – Remote Monitoring Java Script (1)
- Macro Example – Dual-Screen Presentation (1)
- Audio Console Versus Web Interface / API
- Deploying to Webex Devices
- Automated Deployment of Macros
- CE Macro Room Control Deployment Tool (CEDeploy)
- CE-Deploy Uses
- CE Deploy
- Lesson 8: Device API Commands
- RoomOS – xAPI Guides – xCommand
- RoomOS – xAPI Guides – xConfiguration
- RoomOS – xAPI Guides – xStatus
- RoomOS – xAPI Guides – xEvent
- xConfiguration
- xCommand
- xStatus
- xFeedback
- xPreferences
- Echo <on/off>
- xEvent
- xGetxml
- Systemtools
- Log
- Module Summary
Module 10: Webex Digital Signage
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Webex Digital Signage
- Digital Signage Example
- Digital Signage
- Digital Signage Use Cases
- Using the Web Engine
- Digital Signage and Web App
- Lesson 2: Digital Signage Configuration using Cisco Webex Control Hub
- Control Hub Digital Signage Initial Configuration Settings
- Control Hub Digital Signage Web Engine Configuration
- Control Hub Digital Signage from the Device Web Portal
- Control Hub Digital Signage Standby Configurations
- Configure Digital Signage from Webex Control Hub (1)
- Digital Signage Using a URL
- Control Hub Digital Signage Using a APPSPACE (1)
- Lesson 3: Digital Signage Configuration using Local Web Administration Portal
- Digital Signage Web Engine Configuration
- Digital Signage from the Device Web Portal
- Digital Signage Standby Configurations
- Lesson 4: APPSPACE
- APPSPACE – Step-by-Step in Webex Control Hub
- APPSPACE – Digital Signage
- APPSPACE – Create Channel
- APPSPACE – Add Content (1)
- APPSPACE – Add Content – Stream
- APPSPACE – Publish Channel and Register Device
- APPSPACE – Device Registration
- APPSPACE – Digital Signage Examples
- APPSPACE – Back to the Office Example
- APPSPACE – Book a Room Example
- APPSPACE – Guest Check In Example
- APPSPACE – Guest WiFi Example
- Module Summary
Module 11: Driving Webex Meetings with APIs.
- Module Topics
- Lesson 1: Webex Meeting APIs
- Lesson 2: Controlling Meeting using APIs
- Lesson 3: Scheduling Meetings with APIs
- Module Summary
Lab 1: Initial Cisco Webex Control Hub Organization Configuration
Lab 2: Webex Developer Documentation
Lab 3: Cisco Devnet Site
Lab 4: Cisco RoomOS Developer Site
Lab 5: Explore xAPI Reference Guide
Lab 6: Python Fundamentals
Lab 7: JavaScript Fundamentals
Lab 8: Oauth Workflow
Lab 9: Configure a Webex Integration
Lab 10: Building a Webex Weather Bot
Lab 11: Manage Users and Meetings
Lab 12: xAPI for Cisco collaboration devices
Lab 13: Macros for RoomOS Devices
Lab 14: Using Macros to Control Lighting
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