Unit Testing Essentials using JUnit 5 and EasyMock (with Best Practices)

Unit Testing Essentials using JUnit 5 and EasyMock is a three-day, hands-on unit testing course geared for experienced developers who need to get up and running with essential unit testing skills using JUnit, EasyMock, and other tools. Students will leave the course armed with the skills required to leverage solid unit testing practices using the latest industry techniques and best practices. This course quickly introduces developers to the features of JUnit and educates them regarding JUnit’s strengths and weaknesses.

Retail Price: $1,995.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 3

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Course Objectives

This skills-centric course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture, designed to train attendees in core unit testing skills, coupling the most current, effective techniques with the soundest industry practices.

Working in a hands-on learning environment attendees will learn to:

  • Understand what unit testing is and what it is not intended to cover
  • Understand JUnit 5.
  • Understand and use the JUnit Test Runner interface.
  • Use JUnit to drive the implementation of Java code.
  • Test applications using native IDE support.
  • Best practices and patterns for unit testing.
  • Understand JUnit’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Understand the role of debugging when done in conjunction with tests.
  • Understand not only the fundamentals of the TDD using Java, but also its importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand how JUnit affects your perspective on development and increases your focus on a task.
  • Learn good JUnit coding style.
  • Create well-structured JUnit programs.
  • Understand how JUnit testing can be used for either state-based or interaction-based testing.
  • How to extend testing with mock objects using EasyMock.
  • Look at refactoring techniques available to make code as reusable/robust as possible.
  • Discuss various testing techniques.

The following JUnit-based testing frameworks are examined: 

  • JUnit 5, Mockito and PowerMock


Course Prerequisites

This programming course is for experienced Java developers.

Course Agenda


Please note that this list of topics is based on our standard course offering, evolved from typical industry uses and trends. We’ll work with you to tune this course and level of coverage to target the skills you need most.

Session: Introduction

Lesson: Introduction

  • Introduce Test Driven Development

Session: Unit Testing using JUnit

Lesson: Unit Testing Fundamentals

  • Purpose of Unit Testing
  • Good Unit Tests
  • Test Stages
  • Unit Testing Vs Integration Testing
  • Understanding Unit Testing Frameworks

Lesson: Jumpstart: JUnit 5.x

  • Understand and work with the features of JUnit
  • Write unit tests using @Test annotation
  • Use @DisplayName to specify a custom name for the test
  • Manage fixtures using @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations
  • Launch tests using @ExtendWith (@RunWith – JUnit 4+) annotation
  • Build test suites using @SelectPackages or @SelectClasses
  • Use @Disabled to prevent a test class or method from running
  • Lab: Demo JUnit
  • Lab: Build JUnit Case Study
  • Lab: Jumpstart JUnit
  • Lab: Reapplying JUnit

Lesson: Annotations

  • Describe the test execution cycle
  • Check for exceptions thrown by test
  • Use timeouts to fail test that take longer than required
  • Lab: Working with @Test Annotation

Lesson: Hamcrest

  • Learn the notation of assertThat
  • Know the objective of Hamcrest library
  • Use Hamcrest's logical and object matchers
  • Use Hamcrest's number and collection matchers
  • Lab: Working with Hamcrest

Lesson: Parameterized Tests

  • The @ParameterizedTest annotation
  • A parameterized test to test code under several conditions
  • Generic tests to support parameterized testing
  • Lab: Working with Parameterized Tests

Lesson: Advanced Features

  • Nested Unit Tests
  • Repeated Tests
  • JUnit Extensions
  • Conditions
  • Lambda Support
  • Grouped Assertions
  • Lab: Working with  Advanced Features

Lesson: JUnit Best Practices

  • "Good" Tests
  • Bad Smell
  • White-Box Unit Testing
  • Black-Box Unit Testing
  • Automation and Coverage

Session: Advanced Topics

Lesson: Mocking of Components

  • Why We use Test Dummies
  • Mock Objects
  • Working with Mock Objects
  • Using Mocks with the User Interface
  • Mock Object Strategies

Lesson: Mock Objects and EasyMock

  • EasyMock Description and Features
  • EasyMock Object Lifecycle
  • Create/Expect Phase
  • Replay/Verify Phase
  • Mocking Complex Objects
  • EasyMock HOWTO
  • Lab: Mock Objects and EasyMock
  • Lab: Working With EasyMock

Lesson: PowerMock

  • PowerMock Description and Features
  • PowerMock Object Lifecycle
  • Mocking a Static Method

Lesson: Improving Code Quality Through Refactoring

  • Refactoring Overview
  • Refactoring and Testing
  • Refactoring to Design Patterns
  • Naming conventions
  • Lab: Refactoring
  • Lab: Best Practices - Refactoring Tests

Session: Appendix

Lesson: Adding Testing to the Build Process

  • JUnit and Ant
  • The Ant JUnit Tag
  • Running JUnit Tests From Ant
  • Generating a JUnitReport

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