Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Infrastructure Configuration for Cloud Administrators

Red Hat® OpenStack® Administration II (CL210) teaches system administrators how to implement a cloud-computing environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform, including installation, configuration, and maintenance.

Retail Price: $3,600.00

Next Date: 05/05/2025

Course Days: 5

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Skills Gained

  • Build and customize an image
  • Write a Heat template
  • Diagnose and troubleshoot OpenStack issues holistically
  • Manage Ceph storage in an OpenStack environment
  • Scale compute nodes
  • Migrate instances
  • Scale stacks automatically

Who Can Benefit

This course is designed for Linux® system administrators, cloud administrators, and cloud operators.


  • Red Hat OpenStack Administration I (CL110) course or equivalent
  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification or equivalent knowledge and experience

Course Details

Course introduction

Introduce and review the course.

Manage an enterprise OpenStack deployment?

Manage the undercloud, the overcloud, and related services.

Manage internal OpenStack communication

Administer the Keystone identity service and the advanced message queueing protocol (AMQP) messaging service.

Build and customize images

Build and customize images.

Manage storage

Manage Ceph and Swift storage for OpenStack.

Manage resilient compute resources

Add compute nodes, manage shared storage, and perform live instance migration.

Manage and troubleshoot

Manage and troubleshoot virtual network infrastructure.

Manage resilient compute resources

Add compute nodes, manage shared storage, and perform live instance migration.

Troubleshoot OpenStack issues

Diagnose and troubleshoot OpenStack issues and services.

Monitor cloud metrics for autoscaling?

Monitor and analyze cloud metrics for use in orchestration autoscaling.

Orchestrate deployments

Deploy Heat stacks that automatically scale.

Course Dates Course Times (EST) Delivery Mode GTR
5/5/2025 - 5/9/2025 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Virtual gauranteed to run course date Enroll