Ranorex Test Automation Workshop (RANTEST)

Ranorex provides an all-in one environment for creating and running automated tests for many popular software environments, application frameworks, and mobile devices. It enables teams to set up robust test automation regardless of their programming or scripting experience. Because Ranorex tests applications from a user's perspective, even manual UI testers can take advantage of the power of automated tests. Ranorex offers complete flexibility with code-free testing for non-programmers as well as a professional API for more sophisticated test automation needs. Participants begin by recording and replaying simple tests against desktop and web applications, learning how many of the same techniques can be used for testing different software environments. As the course proceeds, students continue to enhance and refine these tests, adding validation steps, creating modular tests from reusable components, and using external data sources to form iterative, data-driven tests. Other exercises introduce and provide practice with Ranorex's powerful object recognition, error-management, and reporting capabilities.

Retail Price: $1,795.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 2

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About this Course

Ranorex provides an all-in one environment for creating and running automated tests for many popular software environments, application frameworks, and mobile devices. It enables teams to set up robust test automation regardless of their programming or scripting experience. Because Ranorex tests applications from a user's perspective, even manual UI testers can take advantage of the power of automated tests. Ranorex offers complete flexibility with code-free testing for non-programmers as well as a professional API for more sophisticated test automation needs.

Participants begin by recording and replaying simple tests against desktop and web applications, learning how many of the same techniques can be used for testing different software environments. As the course proceeds, students continue to enhance and refine these tests, adding validation steps, creating modular tests from reusable components, and using external data sources to form iterative, data-driven tests. Other exercises introduce and provide practice with Ranorex's powerful object recognition, error-management, and reporting capabilities.

Audience Profile

This course is for the beginning to intermediate Ranorex user, with skillsets ranging from business analysts and manual testers through test automation engineers. Programming skills are not needed.

At Course Completion

Upon course completion, students will be able to:

  • Explore the power and capabilities of the Ranorex Test Automation Suite.
  • Discover how easily manual tests can be turned into repeatable automated tests.
  • Create self-validating tests.
  • Use the same test automation techniques for desktop, web, and mobile tests.
  • Create tests for even the most complex user interfaces.
  • Build tests that are resilient in the face of software changes.
  • Create test suites that can be run independently as part of build and continuous integration processes.
  • Generate reports that present your test status at a glance.
  • Use your time savings to build more powerful tests that find more difficult bugs.
  • Make the test development process more challenging and more fun!


Course Outline


1. Basic Recording and Playback

  • Recording a Windows Forms Test
  • Recording a Web Test
  • Using Different Playback Options
  • Best Practices for Recording and Playback

2. Editing Recordings

  • Examining a Recorded Module
  • Naming Modules and Test Cases
  • Editing Key Sequences
  • Removing Unnecessary Actions

3. Validations

  • Recording Validation Steps
  • Comparison Expressions
  • Validation Failures

4. The Repository

  • Naming Repository Items
  • Adding Repository Items
  • Adding Actions to Modules
  • Organizing the Repository
  • Cleaning Up the Repository

5. Test Cases and Test Suites (Structuring Tests)

  • Creating Modular Test Cases
  • Partial "Instant" Recordings
  • Defining Execution Order
  • Building Hierarchical Test Cases

6. Variables and Data-Driven Tests

  • Replacing Constants with Variables in Modules
  • Copying Variables among Modules
  • Creating Data Sources
  • Binding Variables to Data Sources
  • Data Binding and Iteration

7. Handling Errors

  • Finding Error Sources from the Logs
  • Handling Individual Action Failures
  • Applying Test Case Error Options
  • Repository Timeouts
  • Handling Conditional Popups

8. Cross-Browser Tests

  • Running Tests On Different Browsers
  • Recording Cross-Browser Tests
  • Adapting to Browser Differences
  • Best Practices for Web Testing

9. Path Expressions and Ranorex Spy

  • Understanding Path Expression Syntax
  • Exploring the Desktop and Applications with Spy
  • Generalizing Path Expressions with Variables

10. Running Tests

  • Creating Configurations
  • Running Tests from the Command Line
  • Continuous Integration


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