Kubernetes Bootcamp

Kubernetes is a Cloud Orchestration Platform, providing reliability, replication and stability, while minimizing resources for applications and services. This course guides students through the Kubernetes architecture, useful commands, containerization and Kubernetes best practices, prioritizing objectives and concepts that are necessary for passing the CKAD exam. Each student has access to their own high availability Kubernetes environment capable of demonstrating the “K8s” features discussed in the lecture portion of the course- this environment matches the exam content. This is a lab intensive, hands-on course.

Retail Price: $2,595.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 5

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Course Objectives

Students will learn how to deploy services on Kubernetes via labs and challenges designed to mimic the content of the CKAD exam. First you will learn the Kubernetes architecture and the functionality of each component. Following a review of containerization and what it means to the Kubernetes platform you will deep dive into the kubectl command line utility, learning how to administer services on the Kubernetes Cluster. Troubleshooting and testing are taught as the course progresses. At the end of the class, you will experiment with deployment automation using Helm. When completed, you will not only be on the path to success with the CKAD exam but also be able to develop, test, and run new services on a Kubernetes cloud.


Who should attend

Any company or individual who wants to advance their knowledge of the cloud environment, keep up with the most recent changes, and prepare themselves for the future of applications and services in the public or private cloud environment. People who work in Networking, General IT, DevOps, systems, and storage would be a great fit!


  • Basic Linux skills are helpful.
  • Familiarity with a text editor like vi, vim, or nano is helpful.

Outline: Kubernetes Bootcamp (KUBERNETES BC)

1. Kubernetes Architecture

  • Components
  • Containers
  • Pods
  • Master Services
  • Node Services
  • K8s services
  • YAML Essentials

2. kubectl Commands

  • Kubernetes Resources
  • Kubernetes Namespace
  • Kubernetes Context
  • Contexts

3. Pods

  • What is a Pod?
  • Create, List, Delete Pods
  • How to Access Running Pods
  • Kubernetes Resources
  • Managing Cloud Resource Consumption
  • Multi-Container Pod Design
  • Security Contexts
  • Init Containers
  • Pod Wellness Tracking

4. Networking

  • Packet Forwarding
  • Services
  • Network Policy resource
  • Network Plugins
  • Defining the Service Mesh
  • Service mesh configuration examples

5. ReplicaSets

  • Services
  • ReplicaSet Function
  • Deploying ReplicaSets

6. DaemonSets

  • DaemonSet Purpose
  • Managing DaemonSets
  • Updating DaemonSets

7. Deployments

  • Deployment Object
  • Updating Deployments
  • Deployment Strategies
  • Scaling ReplicaSets
  • Autoscaling

8. Labels and Annotations

  • Labels
  • Annotations
  • Node Taints and Tolerations

  9. Jobs

  • The K8s Job and CronJob
  • Work Queues

10. Configuration Files and Secrets

  • Config Maps
  • Secrets
  • Patching
  • Custom Resource Definition
  • Managing ConfigMaps and Secrets

11. Stateful Applications

  • Challenges with Stateful Services
  • K8s Stateful Service Architecture
  • Deploying static volumes
  • Deploying dynamic volumes
  • K8s volume configuration

12. Introduction to Helm

  • Helm Introduction
  • Charts

13. Monitor, Log, and Debug

  • How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes
  • Basic and Advanced Logging Techniques

Hands on Labs:

  • Creating a Docker Image
  • Deploy Kubernetes using Ansible
  • Isolating Resources with Kubernetes Namespaces
  • Cluster Access with Kubernetes Context
  • Listing Resources with kubectl get
  • Examining Resources with kubectl describe
  • Create and Configure Basic Pods
  • Debugging via kubectl port-forward
  • Imperative vs. Declarative Resource Creation
  • Performing Commands inside a Pod
  • Understanding Labels and Selectors
  • Insert an Annotation
  • Create and Configure a ReplicaSet
  • Create a Cluster Docker Registry
  • Writing a Deployment Manifest
  • Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  • Horizontal Scaling with kubectl scale
  • LivenessProbes and ReadinessProbes
  • Setting an Application’s Resource Requirements
  • Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs
  • Best Practices for Container Customization
  • Persistent Configuration with ConfigMaps
  • Create and Consume Secrets
  • Init Containers
  • Using PersistentVolumeClaims for Storage
  • Dynamically Provision PersistentVolumes with NFS
  • Deploy a NetworkPolicy
  • Calicoctl
  • Exposing a Service
  • Expose a Service Via Ingress
  • Multi-Container Pod Design
  • Setting up a single tier service mesh
  • Tainted Nodes and Tolerations
  • Using Helm to install a Chart
  • A Completed Project
  • Install Jenkins Using Helm and Run a Demo Job
  • Custom Resource Definition
  • Patching
  • Understanding Security Contexts for Cluster Access Control
  • Inspect Container Logging
  • Advanced Logging Techniques
  • Troubleshooting
  • Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm
  • Monitoring Applications in Kubernetes
  • Resource-Based Autoscaling
  • Create ServiceAccounts for use with the Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Saving Your Progress With GitHub
  • CKAD Practice Drill
  • Alta Kubernetes Course Specific Updates
  • Sourcing Secrets from HashiCorp Vault
  • Example CKAD Test Questions

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