Introduction to Angular Programming Training
About this Course
This Introduction to Angular training class covers everything you need to know to get started with this next generation of the Angular framework. Angular makes the creation of single-page applications even easier that before. In this course developers will learn to use Angular Directives and to create Angular Components and Services to develop applications based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. You will learn to use HTML Templates to define views and to connect views with code using output, two-way, event and property bindings. The course reviews the benefits and challenges of Single Page Applications and how to overcome those challenges using the Angular Router. The course also covers everything you need to know about Typescript, a programming language based on JavaScript that is used to create Angular applications.
At Course Completion
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- Create single page web applications using the MVC pattern of Angular
- Understand how write and organize Angular code
- Program Angular View Components and Services
- Use Angular output, two-way, event and property bindings
- Exchange data with network servers using the Angular HTTP Client
- Work with Angular Pipes to format data
- Create and work with Angular Forms
- Work with Angular Component Router
Experience in the following is required for this Angular class:
- Prior understanding of web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience developing with AngularJS (the prior version) is not required.
Course Outline
1. Introducing Angular
- What is Angular?
- Central Features of the Angular Framework
- Why Angular?
- Scope and Goal of Angular
- Angular vs. AngularJS
- But Isn't It "Angular 2"?
- Installing and Using Angular
- Adding Angular and Dependencies to Your App
- Building Blocks of an Angular Application
- A Basic Angular Application
- Basic App - index.html
- Basic-App: Application Module File
- Basic-App: Main Bootstrap File
- Basic-App: The Component File
- Summary
2. Development Setup of Angular
- Angular is Modular
- Managing Angular Files and Dependencies
- What is Node.js?
- Application of Node.js
- Installing Node.js and NPM
- "Hello World!" Node app
- Node Libraries
- Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Package.json
- Semantic Version Numbering
- Package Version Numbering Syntax
- Updating Packages
- Uninstalling Packages
- Installing Angular Packages
- Angular CLI
- Angular Development Overview
- Angular
- Development
- Dependencies
- TypeScript Definitions
- Testing Tools
- Development Servers
- Angular
- Application
- Dependencies
- Module Loaders
- SystemJS Module Loader
- WebPack Module Bundler
- Additional Application Dependencies
- Summary
3. Introduction to TypeScript and ES6
- Programming Languages for Use with Angular
- TypeScript Syntax
- Programming Editors
- The Type System – Defining Variables
- The Type System – Defining Arrays
- The Type System – Classes & Objects
- Class Constructors
- Class Constructors – Alternate Form
- Interfaces
- Parameter and Return Value Types
- Working with Modules
- TypeScript Transpilation
- var
- ,
- let
- and
- const -
- Defined
- var
- ,
- let
- and
- const -
- U
- sage
- Arrow Functions
- Template Strings
- Template Strings – Variables and Expressions
- Template Strings – Multiline
- Generics - Class
- Generics - Methods
- Generics - Restricting Types
- Generics - Restricting Types: Example
- Summary
4. Components in Angular
- What is a Component?
- An Example Component
- Component Starter
- Developing a Simple Login Component
- Login Component: Add HTML
- The HTML Component Template
- The templateUrl property
- Login Component: Add CSS Styling
- Login Component: Hook Up Input Fields and Button
- Login Component: Fields & Button in the Component Class
- Component Decorator Properties
- Component Lifecycle Hooks
- Using a Lifecycle Hook:
- OnInit
- Summary
5. Data and Event Binding
- Binding Syntax
- One-Way Output Binding
- Binding Displayed Output Values
- Two-Way Binding of Input Fields
- Input Binding Examples
- Binding Events
- Binding Events Examples
- Setting Element Properties
- Setting Properties: Examples
- Passing Data into Components using @Input()
- Passing Data from Child to Parent using @Output()
- @Output() Example - Child Component
- @Output() Example - Parent Component
- Summary
6. Attribute Directives and Property Bindings
- What are Directives
- Directive Types
- Apply Styles by Changing Classes
- Changing Classes – Example
- Applying Styles Directly
- Applying Styles Directly - Example
- Obsolete Directives and Property Binding
- Controlling Element Visibility
- Setting Image Source Dynamically
- Setting Hyperlink Source Dynamically
- Summary
7. Structural Directives
- Structural Directives
- Adding and Removing Elements Dynamically
- Looping Using ngFor
- ngFor - Basic Syntax
- ngFor - Full Template Syntax
- Creating Tables with ngFor
- ngFor Local Variables
- ngFor Changes in the backing data source
- Swapping Elements with ngSwitch
- ngSwitch - Basic Syntax
- ngSwitch - Full Template Syntax
- Summary
8. Template Driven Forms
- Template Driven Forms
- Importing Forms Module
- A Basic Angular Form
- Binding Input Fields
- Accessing the Form Object
- Binding the Form Submit Event
- The Submit Function
- Basic HTML5 Validation - "required" Attribute
- HTML5 vs. Angular Validation
- Angular Validators
- Angular Validation State
- Displaying
- Form
- Validation State
- Displaying
- Field
- Validation State
- Displaying Validation State Using Classes
- Disabling Submit when Form is Invalid
- Submitting the Form
- Binding to Object Variables
- Additional Input Types
- Checkboxes
- Select (Drop Down) Fields
- Rendering Options for Select (Drop Down)
- Date fields
- Radio Buttons
- Summary
9. Model Driven Forms
- Model Driven Forms Overview
- Setup for Model Driven Forms
- Form Component Setup
- Setup Main FormGroup
- formControlName
- FormControl Object
- Getting Form Values
- FormBuilder Form Initialization
- Validation
- Built-In Validators
- Custom Validator
- Using a Custom Validator
- Useful FormGroup and FormControl Properties/Functions
- Sub FormGroups - Component Class
- Sub FormGroups - HTML Template
- Why Use Sub FormGroups
- Summary
10. Angular Modules
- Why Angular Modules?
- Angular Built-in Modules
- The Root Module
- How to Create a Module
- Feature Modules
- @NgModule Properties
- Using One Module From Another
- Importing BrowserModule or CommonModule
- Lazy-Loaded Modules
- How to Organize Modules?
- Component moduleID Property
- Summary
11. Services and Dependency Injection
- What is a Service?
- Creating a Basic Service
- What is Dependency Injection?
- What Dependency Injection Looks Like
- Injecting Services
- Dependency Injection Hierarchy Diagram
- Using a Service in a Component: Dedicated Instance
- Injection Hierarchy - Dedicated Instance
- Using a Service in a Component: Dedicated Instance - Example Code
- Using
- onInit
- to Initialize Component Data
- Using a Shared Service Instance
- Injection Hierarchy - Shared Instance
- Dependency Injection and @Host
- Dependency Injection and @Optional
- Summary
12. HTTP Client
- The Angular HTTP Client
- Using The HTTP Client - Overview
- Importing HttpModule
- Importing Individual Providers into Services
- Service Using Http Client
- Service Imports
- The Observable object type
- What does an Observable Object do?
- Making a Basic HTTP GET Call
- Using the Service in a Component
- The PeopleService Client Component
- Client Component Code Review
- Importing Observable Methods
- Enhancing the Service with .map() and .catch()
- Using .map()
- Using .catch()
- Using toPromise()
- GET Request
- GET Request with Options
- POST Request
- POST Request Example
- Reading HTTP Response Headers
- Summary
13. Pipes and Data Formatting
- What are Pipes?
- More on Pipes
- Formatting Changes in Angular
- Using a Built-in Pipe
- Built-In Pipes
- Using Pipes in HTML
- Chaining Pipes
- Using Pipes in JavaScript
- Some Pipe Examples
- Decimal Pipe
- CurrencyPipe
- Custom Pipes
- Custom Pipe Example
- Using Custom Pipes
- A Filter Pipe
- A Sort Pipe
- Pipe Category: Pure and Impure
- Pure Pipe Example
- Impure Pipe Example
- Summary
14. Introduction to Single Page Applications
- What is a Single Page Application (SPA)
- SPA Workflow
- Traditional Web Application Capabilities
- Single Page Application Advantages
- SPA and Traditional Web Sites
- SPA Challanges
- Implementing SPA's Using Angular
- Simple SPA Using Visibility Control
- SPA Using Angular Components
- SPA with Angular Components - Switching
- SPA with Angular Components - The Displayed Component
- Implement SPA Using an Angular Component Router
- Summary
15. The Angular Component Router
- Routing and Navigation
- The Component Router
- Traditional Browser Navigation
- Component Router Terminology
- Setting up the Component Router
- Local URL Links
- Browser pushState and
- Routes
- The app.routes.ts File
- The app.routes.ts File - Example
- Importing Routing in app.module.ts
- A Basic App With Routing
- App Routes
- AppComponent - Code
- AppComponent - Router Related Features
- AppComponent -
- AppComponent - routerLinks
- Programmatic Navigation
- Basic Navigation
- Passing Data During Navigation
- Creating Routes with Route Parameters
- Navigating with Route Parameters
- Using Route Parameter Values
- Retrieving the Route Parameter Synchronously
- Retrieving a Route Parameter Asynchronously
- Query Parameters
- Query Parameters - Example Component
- Query Parameters - queryParams
- Query Parameters - Navigation
- Retrieving Query Parameters Asynchronously
- Problems with Manual URL entry and Bookmarking
- Fixing Manual URL entry and Bookmarking
- Summary
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