Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics GP
Retail Price: $595.00
Next Date: 03/25/2025
Course Days: 1
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At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
•Use basic elements such as lookup windows, browse buttons and zooms to access data in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
•Enter record and window level notes and attach OLE notes to records.
•Use SmartList to export data to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
•Use the Posting Setup options to define posting processes.
•Identify what is required to use Word Templates.
•Customize system and company setup procedures using the Setup Checklist.
•Set up fiscal periods, account formats, credit cards and payment terms.
•Use inquiries and reports to get at the information that is needed from Microsoft Dynamics GP.
•Customize Microsoft Dynamics GP toolbars, home pages and display settings.
•Describe the benefits of using Business Alerts and Process Servers.
•View and use resource descriptions for tables and fields in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Audience Profile
This course is intended for customers and partners wanting to learn the basic features and elements required to effectively use Microsoft Dynamics GP. The class is targeted toward data entry clerks, administrators, office managers, CEOs, and consultants who need to understand the basic technical aspects of Microsoft Dynamics GP and gain some basic general knowledge of the application's functionality.
Before attending this course, students must have:
•General experience using Microsoft Windows
•Basic understanding of accounting principles
Course Outline
Module 1: Overview and Basic Elements
This module introduces many of the basic elements that are used throughout Microsoft Dynamics GP. The main window of the application is discussed along with logging on to Dynamics, and many common window functions and objects in Microsoft Dynamics GP are identified and explained.
•Basic Elements
•Using Notes
•User Preferences
•Navigation Pane
•Home Pages
•Help and Other Documentation
Lab : Advanced Lookups
Lab : OLE Notes
Lab : User Preferences
Module 2: SmartList, Reports, and Inquiries
This module discusses SmartList, an inquiry tool that can be used to access data. It also discusses reporting and inquiry capabilities and the use of Microsoft Word Templates to generate common documents.
•Microsoft Word Templates
•Report Options and Printing
•Report Groups
•Report List and My Reports
•Excel Reports
•Inquiries, Named Printers and Process Monitor
Lab : SmartList
Lab : Report Options and Groups
Module 3: System and Posting Setup
This module explains some basic system setups along with information about the different ways to post transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP. System setups discussed include security, users and user classes. Posting Setup is discussed along with related topics such as audit trails and source documents.
•System Setup
•Posting Methods and Setup Options
•Posting Accounts and Audit Trails
Lab : Security Tasks
Lab : Security Roles
Lab : Assigning Security Roles to Users
Lab : Modifying Posting Settings
Module 4: Company Setup Procedures
This module examines how to set up companies in Microsoft Dynamics GP and then define options specific to each company. The company setup windows are used to define company parameters such as company information, Internet information, fiscal periods, account format, credit cards, shipping methods, payment terms and custom links.
•Creating Companies
•Accessing Companies
•Setup Checklist
•Account Format
•Fiscal Periods
•Company Information and Setup Options
•Shipping Methods
•Payment Terms
•Credit Cards
•Other Company Setups
•Internet Information
•Emailing Documents
•Unified Communications
•Tax Setup
•Tax Calculations in Receivables and Payables
•Tax Calculations in Sales Order Processing
Lab : Create a New Company
Lab : Account Format
Lab : Defining Fiscal Periods
Lab : Entering Company Information
Lab : Set Up Shipping Methods
Lab : Set Up Payment Terms
Lab : Set Up Custom Links
Lab : Set Up a New Tax
Module 5: Customization and Utilities
This module explains the ways to customize a number of elements in the Microsoft Dynamics GP system to individual needs, enabling work to be completed more efficiently. Additionally, resource information on tables and fields are discussed and some other miscellaneous system utilities are also a focus in this module.
•Series Checklists
•Customizing Toolbars
•Activity Tracking
•Process Server Overview
•Other Customization Options
•Removing Security Setup Records
•Installation and Customization
•Table Information and Maintenance
Lab : Checklists