Data Center Application Centric Infrastructure Fundamentals (DCACIF v3.1)
About this Course
DCACIF v3.1 is a 5-day instructor-led training course that is designed for system and field engineers who install and implement the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI mode. The course uses the updated 3.1(1) software version and updated Cisco Nexus 9000 hardware platform. The course covers the key components and procedures that an engineer needs to know to understand, configure and manage Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI mode connected to the ACI Fabric to external networks and services.
Audience Profile
This course is for systems engineers, technical architects, and product specialists in data center technical roles. Students include those who need to gain experience with understanding, configuring, and designing the data center networking environment with Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches.
At Course Completion
Upon course completion, students will be able to:
- Describe the three tier application flow and how networks restrict the optimal flow that applications need.
- Understand the flexible approach that allows the hardware and software constructs of the ACI solution to match that of the application flow.
- Configure a Tenant, VRF, Bridge Domain and EPG.
- Configure a Contract, Subject and Filter to provide stateless policy between EPG’s.
- Use the CLI alternative for each of the constructs of a Tenant.
- Understand the process of how the APIC relates to a hypervisor controller.
- Configure the Interface and Switch Policies that are used to help build a VMM Domain.
- Configure the VMM Domain and create the DVS that will connect to the guest machines.
- Observe the Hypervisor Controller Integration connectivity.
- Understand the challenges of connecting the fabric to a Routed Outside Network.
- Discuss the process of how routes are injected and redistributed through the fabric components and the various options of Routing Protocols used for peering.
- Understand the Bridged Outside functions and protocols that are bypassed or utilized to provide a scalable solution.
- Configure a bridged connection to a trunking device through a border leaf switch.
- Provide a concrete device to be presented to the APIC as a physical or logical entity and learn the basic connectivity required.
- Understand a function profile and how it interacts with a device package to provide control over an appliance that is under the control of the APIC controller.
- Understand the basic components of RBAC and how to configure these into a security domain construct.
- Learn how to upload software to the APIC and perform an upgrade to the firmware of an APIC controller and Leaf Switch.
- Review a troubleshooting process and use tools to help isolate and log failures.
- Back up configurations through snapshots and rollbacks.
- Understand how to read and build XML or JSON documents.
- Understand the REST interface and how it uses XML or JSON documents for running scripts.
- Review common Server, Networking, Storage and Security concepts in a current design.
- Review the physical placement of devices when migrating to the Spine and Leaf architecture.
- Plan and apply Contracts for stateless control.
- Configure a Service Graph template between 2 active EPG’s for both Internal and External connectivity.
- Place an L4 - L7 device for three Tier and External EPG service insertion.
Before attending this course, students should have the following knowledge or experience:
- Students should be familiar with Cisco Ethernet Nexus switching products.
- Students should understand Cisco Data Center architecture.
- Students should be familiar with virtualization (preferably VMware).
- Good understanding of data center networking protocols, routing, and switching
- Recommended Route and Switch CCNA and Data Center CCNA certifications
- Recommended attendance of Cisco IP Routing Class (ROUTE)
- Recommended attendance of Cisco Switching Class (SWITCH)
- Recommended attendance of Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN)
- Recommended attendance of Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies (DCICT)
Course Outline
Module 1: Cisco ACI Overview
Lesson 1: What Problems Does Cisco ACI fix?
The Three Tier Application Model
The ACI Solution
Lesson 2: Hardware Overview
The Cisco Nexus 9000 Solution
The Cisco Nexus 9300-EX Solution
The Cisco Cloud Scaled ASIC
Modular Switch Overview
The Cisco APIC
Spine and Leaf Topology
Lesson 3: Cisco ACI Software Overview
Networking Concepts
Security Policies
Supported Deployment Models
Lesson 4: Fabric Transport
VXLAN Overview
VXLAN Gateways, Bridging, Routing, and Overlay
The ACI VXLAN Header
VNID Overview
The Network Services Header
Multi-hypervisor Normalization
Fabric Unicast Forwarding
The Cisco Nexus 9300 VTEP
Module 2: Configuring Cisco ACI Basic Constructs
Lesson 1: The Cisco ACI GUI and CLI
Graphical User Interface
Command Line Interface
Lesson 2: Configuring Tenants and Contracts
Configuring a Tenant
Configuring Contracts
Module 3: Cisco ACI External Connectivity, Management and Migration
Lesson 1: Policy Coordination with VM Managers
VMM Domains and VLANs
Leveraging the Native vSwitch
Cisco ACI Virtual Edge (AVE)
Spanning EPGs Across VMM Domains
Virtualization Concept Map
Physical and Virtual Server Port Groups
Lesson 2: Hypervisors and Bare Metal
Hypervisor Integration
Bare Metal Servers
Lesson 3: VMM Domains
Fabric Access and Interface Policies
Interface Profile and Access Port Selector
Leaf Profiles and Attachable Access Entity Profile (AAEP)
VLAN Pools
VMM Domain
Attach the EPG to the VMM Domain
Verifying the DVS and Attach the Guest
VMMs at the CLI
Lesson 4: Micro Segmentation in the Data Center
The Need for Micro Segmentation
Management Networks
Virtual Distributed Switch (vDS)
Create a VMM Domain
Integration with Microsoft SCVMM and Azure Pack
The Cisco ACI Virtual Edge (AVE)
Module 4: Configuring Cisco ACI Connectivity to Outside Networks
Lesson 1: Internal and External Connectivity
External Connectivity Use Cases
Examine Layer 2 and Layer 3 Options
Define an APIC Network and Component Relationships
Understand Internal and External Connections
Scaling VRFs and SVI Connections
Explore ACI Layer 3 Outside Connections
Explain How to Extend a Layer 2 Domain
Lesson 2: Layer 3 Outside Connectivity and Configuration
L3 Outside Connectivity
Configuring L3 Outside
Configuring Layer 2 Outside
Module 5: Cisco ACI Administration and Troubleshooting Tools
Lesson 1: Administration and Troubleshooting Tools
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Firmware Upgrades
Backups and Rollbacks
Lesson 2: Troubleshooting, Faults and Monitoring
Module 6: Cisco ACI Programmability and Orchestration
Lesson 1: The Need for Programming
The Business Need for Network Programmability
API Protocols
How REST is Used
Lesson 2: JSON and XML
JSON Characteristics
XML Characteristics
JSON / XML Advantages, Similarities and Differences
Northbound: REST API, Python, Puppet, Chef and OpenStack
Southbound: Layer 4 to Layer 7 Scripting API
Cisco DevNet Developer Program and Community Code Development
Lesson 3: The REST API
REST Characteristics
RPC Utilization
The ACI APIC Object-Based Tree
APIC REST API Operations and Message Format
dMIT Queries
The Six Constraints of REST
Lesson 4: Orchestration
Application Policy in OpenDaylight
Module 7: Cisco ACI L4 - L7 Services
Lesson 1: Service Insertion Concepts
Device Cluster and Packages
Service Insertion Configuration
Lesson 2: Configuring L4 – L7 Devices
Understand the Layer 4 to Layer 7 Policy Model
Configure the Concrete Device
Configure the Functional Profile
Configure a Service Graph
Module 8: Cisco ACI Practical Review
Lesson 1: Attaching Appliances to the Fabric
How the Network Look Today
Spine and Leaf
Storage Devices
Lesson 2: Policy and Application Mapping
Application EPG Connectivity
Bridged and Routed Outside
Service Insertion
Appendix A: Hardware Architecture and Features
Hardware Architecture
Merchant and Custom ASICs
ASIC Architecture of the Nexus 9500
Packet Forwarding of the Nexus 9000
Hardware Architecture of Nexus 9300
Fabric Features and Fabric Registration
The Nexus 9000 Series Performance
LAB 0: Access the Remote Lab Environment
LAB 1: Get to know the APIC GUI and CLI
LAB 2: Erase ACI, Initiate Fabric Discover and Initial Setup
LAB 3: Configure Fabric Access Policies
LAB 4: Configure Basic Network Centric Constructs
LAB 5: Extend Layer 2 into the ACI Fabric Using a Physical Domain
LAB 6: Extend Layer 2 into the Fabric Using an External Bridged Domain
LAB 7: Create a Virtual Machine Manager Domain and Connect VMs to EPGs
LAB 8: Prepare for Migration by Creating an External Machine Migration
LAB 9: Implement Virtual Machine Migration
LAB 10: Migrate to an Application Centric Approach
LAB 11: Configure Service Insertion and Service Graphs (Optional)
LAB 12: Configure APIC Using the REST API
Appendix Lab – Configure FEX Fabric Access Policies
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