Core Spring Quick Start | Spring Essentials, Spring Boot, AOP, Persistence & More

The Spring framework is an application framework that provides a lightweight container that supports the creation of simple-to-complex components in a non-invasive fashion. Spring’s flexibility and transparency is congruent and supportive of incremental development and testing. The framework’s structure supports the layering of functionality such as persistence, transactions, view-oriented frameworks, and enterprise systems and capabilities. This course targets Spring 5.x, which includes full support for Java SE 11 and Java EE 8. Spring supports the use of lambda expressions and method references in many of its APIs.

Retail Price: $1,895.00

Next Date: 10/28/2024

Course Days: 2

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At Course Completion

This course combines engaging instructor-led presentations and useful demonstrations with valuable hands-on labs and engaging group activities. Throughout the course you’ll learn how to:

· Explain the issues associated with complex frameworks such as JEE and how Spring addresses those issues

· Understand the relationships between Spring and JEE, AOP, IOC and JDBC.

· Write applications that take advantage of the Spring container and the declarative nature of assembling simple components into applications.

· Understand how to configure the Spring Boot framework

· Understand and work on integrating persistence into a Spring application

· Explain Spring's support for transactions and caching

· Work with Spring Boot to facilitate Spring setup and configuration

· Apply Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) to Spring applications

If your team requires different topics, additional skills or a custom approach, our team will collaborate with you to adjust the course to focus on your specific learning objectives and goals.


Audience Profile

This course is geared for experienced Java developers new to Spring.



Take Before: Students should have incoming practical skills aligned with those in the course(s) below, or should have attended the following course(s) as a pre-requisite:

· TT2104: Fast Track to Core Java Programming for OO Developers (C+, C#, etc.)


1. The Spring Framework

· Understand the value of Spring

· Explore Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)

· Introduce different ways of configuring collaborators

· Spring as an Object Factory

· Initializing the Spring IoC Container

2. Configuring Spring Managed Beans

· Introduce Java-based configuration

· The @Configuration and @Bean annotations

· Define bean dependencies

· Bootstrapping Java Config

· Context Injection in Configuration classes

· Using context Profiles

· Conditionally loading beans and configurations

· Bean Life-Cycle Methods

3. Defining Bean Dependencies

· Introduce Spring annotations for defining dependencies

· Explore the @Autowired annotation

· Stereotype Annotations

· Qualifying injection points

· Lifecycle annotations

· Using properties in Java based configuration

· The @Value annotation

· Using the Candidate Components Index

4. Introduction to Spring Boot

· Introduce the basics of Spring Boot

· Explain auto-configuration

· Introduce the Spring Initializr application

· Bootstrapping a Spring Boot application

5. Working with Spring Boot

· Provide an overview of Spring Boot

· Introduce starter dependencies

· Introduce auto-configuration

· @Enable... annotations

· Conditional configuration

· Spring Boot Externalized Configuration

· Bootstrapping Spring Boot

6. Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming

· Aspect Oriented Programming

· Cross Cutting Concerns

7. Spring AOP

· Spring AOP in a Nutshell

· @AspectJ support

· Spring AOP advice types

· AspectJ pointcut designators

8. Spring Data Overview

· Spring Data Capabilities and Features

· Spring Data repositories

· The Repository interfaces

· Defining the JPA entity

· Persisting entities using Spring Data JPA

· Bootstrapping the Spring Data application

Bonus Topics: Time Permitting

9. Spring Data Query Methods

· Querying data using Query methods

· Query builder mechanism

· Handling an Absence of Value

· Pagination and Ordering

· Asynchronous query methods

· Count and Delete Derived Query methods

Course Dates Course Times (EST) Delivery Mode GTR
10/28/2024 - 10/29/2024 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Virtual Enroll
12/2/2024 - 12/3/2024 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Virtual Enroll