Certified Hardware Technician C)HT
At Course Completion
Upon completion, the Certified Hardware Technician and Certified Operating Systems Technician candidate will be able lo competently take the C)OST & C)HT exams well as the CompTIAA+ 220-1002 exam.
Audience Profile
• End Users
• Employees wijh access lo computers
• Managers
1) Pass the most current version of the exam for your respective existing certification
2) Earn 20 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per year.
Course Outline
Module 1 - Troubleshooting
Module 2 - Motherboards and CPUs
Module 3 - Power Supplys
Module 4 - Memory
Module 5 - Computer Expansion
ModuJe 6 - Physical Storage
Module 7 - lnput-Output Devices
Module 8 - Display Devices
Module 9 - Network Cabs and Connectors
Module 10- Printers and Multifunction Print Oevices
Module 11 - TCPl1P and Transpott Protocols
Module 12 - Custom Computers
Module 13- 0perational Procedures
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