Certified Hardware Technician C)HT

The Certifiied Hardware Technician, C)HT, course will kick start your career in the IT field by providing the foundational knowledge needed to install, configure, and support computer hardware systems; this includes assembling components based on customer requirements; installing, configuring and maintaining devices, PCs, and servers. The C)Hlr will also provide an understanding of the fundamentals of networking and security/forensics; properly and safely diagnosing, resolving, and documenting common issues; as well as applying troubleshooting skills. A key component to anyone's skill set is customer service, this course provides insight into providing appropriate customer support. A favorite part of this course is the dive into wireless networks, mobile devices and custom builds for end user deployment.

Retail Price: $4,000.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 5

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At Course Completion

Upon completion, the Certified Hardware Technician and Certified Operating Systems Technician candidate will be able lo competently take the C)OST & C)HT exams well as the CompTIAA+ 220-1002 exam. 

Audience Profile

•    Everyone 
•    End Users 
•    Employees wijh access lo computers 
•    Managers 


1)     Pass the most current version of the exam for your respective existing certification 
2)     Earn 20 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per year.

Course Outline

Module 1 - Troubleshooting

Module 2 - Motherboards and CPUs 
Module 3 - Power Supplys

Module 4 - Memory
Module 5 - Computer Expansion

ModuJe 6 - Physical Storage

Module 7 - lnput-Output Devices

Module 8 - Display Devices

Module 9 - Network Cabs and Connectors 
Module 10- Printers and Multifunction Print Oevices

Module 11 - TCPl1P and Transpott Protocols 
Module 12 - Custom Computers

Module 13- 0perational Procedures 

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