Apple: Development with Swift 4.2

App Development with Swift 4.2 is a 5-day, hands-on course that is a combination of the Introduction to Swift 4.2 course and the Introduction to the iOS 12 SDK course. Introduction to Swift 4.2 From Playgrounds to protocols—discover, explore, and demonstrate how to use the fundamental building blocks of the Swift programming language. This 2-day, hands-on course teaches you the basic concepts of Swift programming, including syntax, logic, structures, functions, and patterns. It also includes detailed explanations of language syntax and coding exercises. Introduction to the iOS 12 SDK Learn how to build and run your first apps on iOS using the Swift programming language. This 3- day, hands-on course teaches you the common tools, interface elements, and design patterns you need to build apps for iPhone and iPad. It includes detailed explanations of iOS technologies, hands-on use of Apple's development tools, and coding exercises in Swift that use common iOS frameworks. [Note: This course is a combination of APL-DEV100-042 and APL-DEV105-120 taught in the same week]

Retail Price: $3,750.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 5

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Skills Gained

What you'll learn:

  • Learn how to use Xcode Playgrounds to write Swift code
  • Learn common programming patterns used in Swift
  • Learn keywords and vocabulary used by the Swift language
  • Learn how to build native apps using the iOS SDK
  • Learn how to use Xcode and the Simulator
  • Learn how to use common navigation patterns and UI controls

Who Can Benefit


  • Software Developers
  • Software Architects
  • Technology Consultants


Getting Started with iOS development videos: Learn about Apple's advanced mobile device hardware, the characteristics of modern apps, the iOS software development kit, Apple developer programs, and Apple's approach to security and distribution.
Basic computer programming concepts: You should be comfortable with basic concepts of computer programming, including variables, strings, logic, and classes. You'll be expected to write code as part of the training.

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