Alteryx Concepts - Level 2

This one-day instructor-led course is designed to give students who are already familiar with Alteryx Designer a more in-depth look at its capabilities. This course picks up where the level 1 class leaves off and focuses on the features of the product that allow more in-depth data extraction, transformation, and loading with the Alteryx's In-DB tools as well as offering demonstrations of the products procedural programming capabilities.

Retail Price: $995.00

Next Date: 04/16/2025

Course Days: 1

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Audience Profile
The primary audience for this course is BI professionals and other technically proficient business users who want to analyze data using Alteryx Designer.

This course assumes that students will have completed the Alteryx Concepts: Level 1 class or have familiarity equivalent to the material covered in that course: Alteryx Concepts: Level 1

Review of Alteryx Designer Basics
This module provides a brief, high-level review of Alteryx Designer and the process of creating a basic solution:
The Alteryx Analytics Platform
Acquiring Data
Shaping and Transforming Data
Creating and distributing a report

In-DB Tools
This module explores a series of tools that allow interaction with a live relational database. Topics include:
Browse In-DB
Connect In-DB
Data Stream In/Out
Filter In-DB
Join In-DB
Macro Input/Output In-DB
Select In-DB
Summarize In-DB
Union In-DB
Write Data In-DB
Sample In-DB

Integrating with Other Systems
Alteryx has a number of tools and connectors that make it easy to connect to external services. Topics include:
The Download tool

Procedural Programming
Although Alteryx is designed to make acquiring and transforming data simple, it also includes powerful, flexible programming tools for building more complex solutions. This module offers short demonstrations of the programming capabilities of Alteryx.

Course Dates Course Times (EST) Delivery Mode GTR
4/16/2025 - 4/16/2025 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM Virtual Enroll
5/16/2025 - 5/16/2025 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM Virtual Enroll