Advanced Angular Programming

This Advanced Angular Programming training class covers advanced topics of this next generation of the Angular framework. This course is intended for those that already have a basic understanding of the Angular fundamentals and now want to cover more advanced features the Angular framework offers.

Retail Price: $1,250.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 2

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About this Course

This Advanced Angular Programming training class covers advanced topics of this next generation of the Angular framework. This course is intended for those that already have a basic understanding of the Angular fundamentals and now want to cover more advanced features the Angular framework offers.

This course includes advanced topics including specifics about how to consume REST web services and WebSocket data from Angular applications. Advanced use of the Angular Routing module and Angular Animations are covered. You will learn how to develop Angular applications using Angular CLI. Details of how to test and debug Angular applications are covered in addition to best practices for the style and organization of Angular projects.

Note: Although initially the 1st major revision of the AngularJS framework was known as "Angular 2" this is now technically incorrect as the Angular framework is releasing newer major versions (although the structure is still the same). Now "AngularJS" refers to the old architecture while simply "Angular" refers to the new architecture.

At Course Completion

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Consume data from REST web services.
  • Consume WebSocket data.
  • Advanced Router Usage.
  • Angular Animations.
  • Testing and debugging Angular applications
  • AngularCLI.
  • Best practices for Angular application style and organization.


Experience in the following is required for this Angular class:

  • Some prior understanding of Angular fundamentals in addition to web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience developing with AngularJS (the prior version) is not required.

Course Outline

1. Advanced Routing

  1. Routing Overview
  2. External Route Configuration File
  3. Dedicated Router Module
  4. routerLinkActive binding
  5. Wildcard Route Path
  6. redirectTo
  7. Default Route
  8. Child Routes
  9. Defining Child Routes
  10. for Child Routes
  11. routerLink Prefixes
  12. Invoking Child Routes
  13. Navigation Guards
  14. Creating Guard Implementations
  15. Using Guards in a Route
  16. Route Animations
  17. Summary

2. Angular Animations

  1. What is Animation?
  2. Animation Techniques
  3. Animation Concepts
  4. CSS Property Animation
  5. Animation Property Settings
  6. CSS Transforms
  7. Starting and Stopping Animation
  8. Animation Events
  9. Browser Support
  10. Angular Animations
  11. Animation Imports
  12. Named Animation States
  13. Transitions
  14. Special States: void, *
  15. The animate() function
  16. Triggers
  17. Assigning Animations to Elements using Trigger
  18. Invoking Transitions
  19. Assigning Animation to Routes
  20. External Animation Definitions
  21. Summary

3. Consuming REST Web Services in Angular

  1. Query Parameters
  2. URL Path Parameters
  3. Accepts Header
  4. Content-Type Header
  5. GET
  6. POST
  7. PUT
  9. Summary

4. Consuming WebSockets Data in Angular

  1. WebSockets Overview
  2. WebSockets Use Cases
  3. Angular Libraries for WebSockets
  4. WebSockets From Angular Components
  5. Summary

5. Testing Angular Components and Services

  1. Why Test Angular Components?
  2. Jasmine
  3. Karma
  4. Protractor
  5. ngMock
  6. Angular TestBed
  7. Testing Services
  8. Testing Components
  9. Summary

6. Developing Using AngularCLI

  1. What is AngularCLI?
  2. Installing AngularCLI
  3. Creating Angular Apps
  4. Running Angular Apps
  5. Generating Code
  6. The WebPack Module Loader
  7. Summary

7. Debugging

  1. What is Augury?
  2. Installing Augury
  3. Opening Augury
  4. Augury Demo App
  5. Component Tree
  6. Router Tree
  7. debug Examples
  8. Summary

8. Angular Style Guide

  1. What is the Angular Style Guide?
  2. Where To Find It
  3. Style Categories
  4. Single Responsibility
  5. Naming
  6. Coding Conventions
  7. Lifecycle Hook Interfaces
  8. Summary

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