Build and Release Management using TFS 2018
The course covers planning, installing, and maintaining build environments and how to author build definitions for your applications. We’ll examine many of the configuration options to understand how to best configure the pipeline for your applications.
We then deep dive into Release Management and how you can release your applications to your on-premises infrastructure. The final two modules of the course examine how to run automated functional tests as part of your pipeline and how you can visualize the build and release status using dashboards.
This course is designed for DevOps engineers, .NET developers, TFS administrators, and build masters. It is a hands-on look at various technologies rather than a high-level management overview.
Attendees should be familiar with Visual Studio and the use of Team Foundation Server.
Module 1: A Lap Around the Microsoft Visual Studio Family
What’s new in TFS?
Overview of the Visual Studio family
Overview of product features
The need for centralized builds
The importance of release management
Module 2: Configuring Your Project in TFS
Creating and configuring a new team project
Configuring teams in TFS
Cloning a Git repository into your team project
Module 3: Configuring Your Build Environment
Understanding build infrastructure
Creating agent pools and queues
Installing and upgrading build agents
Specifying capabilities on your agents
Configuring security
Overview of non-Windows agents
Overview of hosted build infrastructure
Module 4: Automating Builds
Creating a new build definition
Understanding build templates
Common build tasks
Queuing a build
Module 5: A Closer Look at Build Attributes
Source repository options
Defining and using build variables
Running multiple concurrent builds
Configuring Continuous Integration (CI) and scheduled builds
Configuring build options
Build retention policies
Module 6: Customizing Your Build Process
Task versioning
Executing unit tests during our build
Examining test results from a build
Using tasks groups
Extending builds using scripts
Other helpful build tasks
Module 7: Other Build Features
Viewing build status
Using process parameters
Managing build definitions and using build folders
Task control options and conditional build tasks
Controlling build outputs and understanding artifacts
Packaging your .NET application
Module 8: Overview of Release Management
What is Release Management
Key concepts in Release Management
The current state of Release Management in TFS/VSTS
A quick look at licensing for Release Management
Module 9: Creating Automated Release Pipelines
Recap of Release Management
Understanding artifacts
Creating a release definition
Understanding environments
Common tasks in your release
Cloning environments.
Module 10: A Closer Look at Configuring Environments
Configuring your approval workflow
Defining custom variables for your environments
Using variable groups
Understanding pre-deployment conditions
Configuring the environment owner
Module 11: Defining a Release Workflow for On-Premises Servers
Overview of release tasks
Using the manual intervention task
Copying files and running scripts
Releasing a web application to an IIS server
Tracking our release
Module 12: Automating Functional and Performance Tests
Configuring infrastructure for test execution
Executing UI tests (Coded UI and Selenium tests)
Executing load and performance tests
Module 13: Creating Dashboards to Show Build and Release Status
Creating a Build and Release dashboard
Displaying build information on the dashboard
Displaying release information on the dashboard
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