Requirements Elicitation Analysis (using Use Cases) Workshop

Part 1 – Requirements Elicitation (Days 1 & 2): Strong elicitation skills are a ‘must have’ for anyone charged with defining requirements for their project. Success is dependent on a mixture of technical skills (i.e. knowing which technique to use and how to use it) and interpersonal skills (i.e. building relationships, listening, and gaining consensus). Whether you plan to meet with your stakeholders in one-on-one sessions, in a requirements workshop, or remotely, you will need to know how to select and implement techniques to accurately and efficiently identify the needs of your business. Part 2 – Use Cases Workshop (Days 3 & 4): Use Cases are an industry best practice for defining, documenting, and analyzing functional requirements. A use case approach is a user-centered approach for developing a solution to your business needs. Unfortunately, methods for developing use cases vary substantially across the industry. What information belongs in a use case? How can a use case be utilized to capture all the desired functionality? Are use cases applicable to all projects? Is there a template for writing use cases that is considered best practice? If you’ve ever been involved in a project involving use cases, you’ve probably encountered some confusing answers to these questions. Students will receive 28 Professional Development Units (PDUs) after completing this course.

Retail Price: $2,495.00

Next Date: Request Date

Course Days: 4

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About this Course

Part 1 – Requirements Elicitation (Days 1 & 2):

Strong elicitation skills are a ‘must have’ for anyone charged with defining requirements for their project. Success is dependent on a mixture of technical skills (i.e. knowing which technique to use and how to use it) and interpersonal skills (i.e. building relationships, listening, and gaining consensus). Whether you plan to meet with your stakeholders in one-on-one sessions, in a requirements workshop, or remotely, you will need to know how to select and implement techniques to accurately and efficiently identify the needs of your business.

Part 2 – Use Cases Workshop (Days 3 & 4):

Use Cases are an industry best practice for defining, documenting, and analyzing functional requirements. A use case approach is a user-centered approach for developing a solution to your business needs. Unfortunately, methods for developing use cases vary substantially across the industry. What information belongs in a use case? How can a use case be utilized to capture all the desired functionality? Are use cases applicable to all projects? Is there a template for writing use cases that is considered best practice? If you’ve ever been involved in a project involving use cases, you’ve probably encountered some confusing answers to these questions.

Students will receive 28 Professional Development Units (PDUs) after completing this course.

Audience Profile

This course is a must-have for the Business Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Systems Analyst, Requirements Engineer, or anyone who must perform or understand business analysis on their projects. The Business Sponsor and the Project Manager who are actively involved with specifying requirements for their project will also benefit from this workshop.

Additionally, the Use Case Workshop has been expressly designed for the Business Analyst, Business System Analyst, System Analyst, and/or Requirements Engineer. The Designer, Developer and Tester who are actively involved in utilizing use cases may also benefit from this workshop.

At Course Completion

Upon course completion, students will be able to:

Part 1:

  • Apply best practices to resolve common problems encountered in requirements elicitation
  • Establish and communicate the scope for eliciting requirements on a project
  • Identify, analyze and manage stakeholders during the elicitation process
  • Determine the appropriate mix of elicitation techniques to utilize on a project
  • Plan and conduct an interview to elicit requirements
  • Plan and conduct several different forms of requirements elicitation
  • Describe the planning, techniques, and partnerships that are vital to the success of requirements elicitation
  • Identify and differentiate between the different types of requirements that need to be elicited
  • Describe the importance of documenting business objectives and product scope before eliciting requirements
  • Utilize a context diagram to scope the solution space
  • Utilize a process, techniques, and templates for stakeholder identification and analysis
  • Apply industry best practices to common issues with stakeholders during requirements elicitation
  • Plan and conduct an effective Interview
  • Introduce standards in process modeling
  • Obtain information about two professional associations that support business analysts

Part 2:

  • Employ use cases to document the scope of a project
  • Write use cases in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • Model use cases with workflow diagrams
  • Plan and divide up the project work based on your use cases
  • Manage a use case as it evolves over time and goes through many changes
  • Develop a Business Use Case Diagram
  • Identify system actors and distinguish between a primary and secondary actor
  • Analyze the Business Process Model and System Context Diagram to identify candidate system use cases
  • Develop a System Use Case Diagram and learn to write a brief description
  • Evaluate use case risk, complexity, priority, and dependencies to:
  • Describe how to organize use case packages
  • Write the steps of the main success scenario
  • Identify and develop alternate scenarios and flows
  • Explain how a UML Activity Diagram supports a use case approach


This course is intended for beginner and intermediate Business Analysts. General knowledge of the requirements process is recommended


Course Outline

Requirements Elicitation (Part 1):

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Fundamentals of Requirements Elicitation

Challenges with requirements elicitation and requirements
Best practices to overcome elicitation and requirement challenges
Common elicitation techniques
Requirement types

Module 3: Understanding the Objectives and Product Scope

Strategy Analysis; the start to defining the business need
The importance of documenting business objectives and product scope before elicitation
Context diagramming to define product scope

Module 4: Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders

The importance of stakeholder analysis and management
Factors to consider when determining which elicitation techniques to utilize

Module 5: Interviews, Focus Groups, & Surveys

The interviewing technique and when best used
Benefits and weaknesses of interviews
Questions types
Conducting a good interview
Benefits and weaknesses of Focus Groups and Surveys
Best practice tips for focus groups and surveys

Module 6: Brainstorming and Workshops

The benefits and weaknesses of workshops
Types of workshops
Facilitate a workshop
Decision rules
Practicing facilitation skills
Benefits and weaknesses of brainstorming

Module 7: Process Modeling using Activity Diagrams

Purpose and benefits of process modeling
Using process modeling to elicit
The UML® equivalent – Activity Diagrams
Observation as an elicitation technique

Module 8: Prototyping

Benefits and weaknesses of prototyping
Key prototyping terms
Three forms of prototyping; storyboard, wireframes, and HTML (functional prototypes)

Module 9: Document Analysis, Reverse Engineering, and Interface Analysis

The role of document analysis in requirements elicitation
Benefits and weaknesses of document analysis
Reverse engineering to uncover unknown information about an existing solution
The value of Interface Analysis

Module 10: Requirement Elicitation Wrap-Up

What will you take away?
Additional Information
Transition to part 2 of the course Use Cases Workshop

Requirements Analysis using Use Cases (Part 2):

Module 11: Introduction

Course objectives
Understanding of business analysis
Knowledge areas of BABOK® Guide

Module 12: Overview of Use Cases

Describe the purpose and value of a use case approach
Use case terminology
Introducing a use case approach

Module 13: Needs Assessment

Purpose of Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment and use cases
Defining and understanding the strategic goals and objectives
Understanding the business process
Identifying actors
Identifying business information
Analyzing locations and operations
Drawing the business use case diagram
Building the business architecture
Defining solution options

Module 14: Defining System Scope

Product scope/project scope
System actors versus business actors
Analyzing the business process model
Analyzing business use cases
Identifying candidate use cases
Identifying scenarios
Diagramming use cases
Draw a use case diagram
Create a use case catalog

Module 15: Evaluating, Prioritizing, and Packaging Use Cases

Iterative nature of this work
Evaluating use cases
Use case priority
Use case risk
Use case complexity
Use case dependencies
Evaluate and Prioritize use cases
Dividing work up between releases
A process for how to perform packaging

Module 16: Writing the main success scenario

Use case descriptions
Primary and secondary goals
Scenario example
Main success scenario
Conditional execution
Use cases and requirements
Best practices for writing a use case description

Module 17: Writing the other scenarios

Scenarios and flows
Alternate scenarios and flows
Alternate vs. basic flow
Guidelines for alternate flows
Exception flows
Failed post conditions
Write alternate and exception flows

Module 18: Process Modeling to describe use case flows

UML® Activity Diagram Notation
Sequencing activities
Developing an activity diagram
Facilitated sessions
Draw a UML® Activity Diagram

Module 19 Using Advanced Diagramming Techniques

Dependency Relationships
Identify <<include>> and <<extend>> relationships
Comparing the different relationships

Module 20: Developing a Requirements Specification

Requirements and use cases
Detailed requirements
Common approaches to specifications
Non-functional requirements
Write non-functional requirements
User interface requirements
UI data descriptions
Business rules
Decision tables and inference rules
How to document simple calculations
Reporting requirements
Data requirements
Data accessibility requirements

Module 21: Course Summary

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